New section in shop - Sale Section!

Apr 23

Since Mother's Day is coming up on May 9th I thought I would have a little sale!

Handmade jewelry is really the perfect gift for the moms who like jewelry.... Over the years I have started to really dislike a lot of the mass-produced pieces from stores. In my experience this stuff breaks pretty easily because it contains lower quality (cheaper) components, or was put together quickly without care. I have also found that stores carry pretty much the same kinds of necklaces, they need to carry what's popular and trendy, after all. However, I like something a little more unique and I try hard to make things that are a bit different (hence my love of antique brass in many of my pieces). These are just a few of the reasons I like to make (and buy!) handmade jewelry. Let me know your thoughts on buying handmade!

Mirabilia necklaces in purple, now in the shop!

Apr 18

Mirabilia is latin for miracles or marvels.... I think I first saw that word on a tea package somewhere, and it's stuck with me... it rolls off the tongue... Mirabilia....

While designing some new necklaces the word Mirabilia came to me again.... these necklaces have a little bit of everything in them -- beads from here, there, and everywhere that I have collected over the past couple of years..... vintage glass beads from a stash my father found at a garage sale; millefiori beads with purple, white, and a bit of red; clay and stoneware beads from one of my favorite bead shops here in Austin; a deep burgundy pearl and a beautiful purple agate slice; a purple felted bead; and various other purple beads in my supply stash, and a mix of all different shades of purple czech crystals.

I think these necklaces would be perfect for Mother's Day... especially if you have a mother who loves purple, as I do! These necklaces are a treasure trove of beads! I can't wait to make more in other colors.... let me know how you like these, and what other colors you'd like to see! And click on any of the images above to go directly to my Cormorant Studios shop on Etsy!

current etsy faves....

Apr 16

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

Works in progress...

Apr 08

Just wanted to share with you -- a peak at what's on my work bench!

a mix of teal, brown, patinaed brass, & minty yellowy-green

Okay so it's just a table top but work bench sounds so much more.... professional. Don't you think?

shades of grey - tibetan silver, porcelain, labradorite, & vintage beads

Well, I guess the important thing is that the creative process is under way....

tiger eye, honey colored glass, & african trade beads

I'll have some new pieces soon!

Supplies & Techniques I use

Apr 04

Here is a list of supplies and techniques I use, along with descriptions. This will be a work in progress, and I will have a permanent link to this post in the sidebar. If you have any questions about any of the materials or techniques, please leave a comment in this post and I will answer it!

a mix of brass & antique brass charms
(the truth/lie detector is a raw brass that has patinaed over time)

Brass - an alloy of copper and zinc. The specific percentages may vary. Some brass appears more yellow, some appears more reddish. Brass can be expected to naturally darken or patina over time, adding to its beauty.

Antique brass - this term refers to a darkened brass, it does not necessarily mean that the material used is antique or old.

Patina - refers to a coating or film on the surface of a metal. Different metals patina to different colors, and this can be manipulated in various ways - through the application of heat or chemicals, varying the time of exposure, or just letting nature take its course. The term patina is also used to describe a mellowing or wearing of the metal that happens with time.

Gunmetal - an alloy of copper, tin, and zinc.

****** to be continued ******

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